Cloud Computing Tax Solution – iBiZZtax®

Let’s introduce you, the only Cloud Computing Tax Solution endorsed by LHDNM. iBiZZtax® is designed to simplify and supercharge your business by streamlining tasks and embracing digitalization. There are over 800 tax professionals subscribed to the service, and it has helped more than 400,000 SMEs with their online tax filing processes.

We’ve transformed tax preparation from Days➡️ Hour.

With our exclusive e-Filing tool 👉🏻 eDts-C, transfer your clients’ tax filings to the TAeF 2.0 portal in just 3 seconds⏱️

✅ Stay Up-to-Date: Cloud Tax keeps you current with the latest version. No more missing updates!

✅ Streamlined Calculation: Built-in functions ensure accurate tax calculations. No more Excel mistakes!

✅ Seamless Data Transition: Save time by automatically carrying forward your tax info. Say goodbye to repetitive data entry!

✅ Accelerated Efficiency: Simplify e-Filing in just 3 seconds with a single click.

Automation that saves time and resources ⏱️

It’s Simple, Fast and fully Digital.


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